Monday, January 30, 2012

Chemical Food Additive Of The Week - Acesulfame K

A Brief History: 
A chemical derived from acetoacetic acid, acesulfame K (or acesulfame potassium) discovered by Karl Clauss in 1967. It adds sweetness to foods without calories or fat. It is 200 times sweeter than table sugar and is marketed as as Sweet One and Sunett. The human body cannot metabolize it, making it calorie-free. 

Dangerous Components: 
Methylene chloride is used as a solvent in the manufacturing of acesulfame K. In other industries, methylene chloride is most often used as a paint stripper, a degreaser and as a propellant agent. It has applications in the food industry, such as decaffeinating coffee and tea.
Side Effects: 
Long-term exposure to Methylene Chloride in Acesulfame K may cause headaches, depression, mental confusion, liver and kidney complications, nausea, vision issues and cancer. 
Acesulfame K stimulates the release of insulin and exacerbates feelings of low blood sugar. As with other artificial sweeteners, it may confuse your body's satiety signals and cause you to eat more. It also may trigger cravings for excessively sweet products. 


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